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Internet users in Myanmar increased by 97% in 1 year, 70% are mobile users

Digital Asia Myanmar Broadband

In 2017, 1 in 4 people in Myanmar use Internet on a regular basis

According to a new report released by We Are Social, Myanmar now counts 17 millions Internet users which represents 26% of the country population.

Internet Myanmar Asia Penetration mobile

Myanmar remains the least penetrated country in the region (26%) but caught up on Laos with an impressive 97% growth within one year.

Mobile phone is still the main medium to connect to Internet (70% share) but is declining. Laptop use is growing by 71% since last year.

Digital Asia Myanmar Broadband

As fixed broadband is still very low penetrated in Myanmar, 55% of mobile connections are used for broadband.

Over the past 2 years, Myanmar Internet growth has outperformed the most optimistic expectations and it is more likely to continue in 2017.

On mobile, the operators expect to receive additional spectrum in 1.8Ghz band within the next few weeks. This extra capacity will allow them to finally provide a “real” 4G experience to their customers.

As for fixed wireless LTE, spectrum owners will launch services within the second quarter 2017 which should lead to a massive intake of broadband subscribers.

2017 will be indubitably the year of 4G in Myanmar.

Source: We Are Social

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