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COVID-19: New to Remote Work? Read This!

remote work tips myanmar internet

Following the Coronavirus outbreak, more and more companies in Myanmar are asking their employees to stay home.

Surely your boss don’t expect you to chill out in your sofa and binge-watch Netflix all day with a bag of crisps.

Boss wants you to continue working from home.

For some of you which are not entirely familiar with remote working, it can be a real challenge to organize yourself and avoid being constantly distracted and unable to deliver some quality work. Kids can also be a big part of the challenge as schools are closed for at least a couple of months.

Thankfully, we have compiled a list of useful articles that should help you to be more productive during your time at home.

  1. These tools will make your transition to working from home easier
  2. Coronavirus Is Forcing Companies to Embrace Remote Working — These Digital Tools Keep Employees Talking
  3. 12 Essential Work-From-Home Tips While Waiting Out Coronavirus
  4. How To Avoid The Productivity Pitfalls Of First-Time Remote Working

Finally, do not forget that work is just work and what matters the most is to stay healthy and take care of your family. If there is a lesson to learn from this dark period, it is that family should always be your utmost priority.

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